I’m a multi skilled plant operator hired to Robson through CoreStaff, Newcastle. I’m currently operating an excavator at the Tailings Dam Lift Project.
The biggest highlight for me is being able to work on the rehabilitation of open cut mine sites. I have found this to be a very interesting role.
Challenges? In this industry you can encounter daily challenges. The one that is most predominant for me is working on slopes or edges. Being trained to do this safely has boosted my confidence immensely.
Any advice for those looking to follow your footsteps? My advise to any ladies that may be interested in operating machinery (and don’t mind getting a little bit dirty) is if I can do it then you can.
CoreStaff are a very professional company and have allocated me to a position that suits me best. The company I’m currently hired to, Robson, show great appreciation for my skills on a daily basis. Its great to go home with a smile on my face.
It’s a very rewarding role.