As the BDM it’s my role to make sure our clients are getting the service they deserve and expect. On the flip side it’s also my role to go and seek new business with new clients. My day consists of lots of conversations, some easy, some hard, identifying clients staffing problems and where CoreStaff can assist.
Highlights come in many different shapes and forms in this role, but I think when our clients are winning with big projects and we have supplied amazing, quality, candidates to get the job done, then we as a company are winning.
CoreStaff has provided me with such a great job role, I have the support of an amazing team, mentorship of a great GM and any tools I need in self or skill development open to me.
I am never afraid to ask a question or for guidance.
Challenges of your role? Recruitment is not an easy sell. Trying to explain to clients why using a recruitment company can be such a great asset can be hard work and sometimes you do not see results for an extended period.
Advice for those looking to follow the same career path? BDM is not always a role that shows results straight away, building relationships takes time, it’s important to keep a goals list and record small progress that takes place alongside the big wins.
Remember people need information to make decisions. Make sure your sell is informative, identifies their problems and provides solutions.
Make sure the relationships you build are genuine and taken care of it at every step.